Tuesday, May 10, 2011

pandora is funny.


It now appears that Pandora will slowly become a place where comedy acts can go to be discovered. I think this is a great idea to have a music station on Pandora. Music and comedy are two of my favorite things and now i can go to one source to tap both of them. I only hope that Pandora does not keep expanding to other areas. I believe it should be for entertainment purposes only.

Apple beats out Google.


Finally Apple has risen to the top. Google has been the most successful franchise in the technological world for several years now. I can recall when owning any apple product especially a macbook was considered a very "artsy" "alternative" thing to do. Steve jobbs continues to produce products that work the best and everyone loves. It's amazing to believe that Apple actually spends the least on Advertising compared to it's many competitors. The most ironic part about this article is i used Google to search to Apple. Ha!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Super Fans on Twitter

One of the 4 Creative Social Marketing Campaigns included Making a Classic Social. Well, a super fan of Harry Potter has taken this to a new extreme. He has created a fictitious twitter account taking on the persona of Lord Voldermort. He has over 200,000 followers and recently won a "Shorty Award" (twitter awards for content under 140 characters) for his creative tweets.


And over the past few weeks I've seen more and more of these characters popping up on twitter. People are becoming brand activists and taking action to promote what they like.

Awesome video on the power Fb had on connecting victims of the recent tornados.

Here is a video that connects the victims of the recent tornados in the mid west. A lady by the name of Patty Bullion started a Facebook page where people post pictures of items found so that people can claim the lost items that were launched great distances by the tornados. Stories like this show us all the power of connectivity Facebook has.

Really Mom, I'm OK

A post to comfort Moms on Mother's Day.

We talked a lot this semester about how technology keeps us connected. We also talked about privacy issues and sites like spokeo.com that give away valuable personal information. And how Facebook is an issue for parents with young teens. But what if there was now a way for parents to track their kids and their whereabouts (!?!?). This new app for phones allows parents to check where their kids are - this ad is equally creepy.


The one positive about this app is that it is a private setting and you don't have to deal with the public social networks - like FourSquare - knowing where you are.

What do you think? Will it catch on? And would kids really use the app?

Cool Osama binladin twitter visual

I found a pretty cool visual on the tweets about Osama Binladin's death on twitter. This picture shows the connections between the people who originally broke the news on twitter. This picture really shows the scale on how people are connected on twitter

You can check out the picture here

Spielberg gives head of comcast an award

I just though this article was interesting and it has to do with philly. So check it out, i guess Speilbergs not such a bad guy.

Heres the link: